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More uses for Koala Farts (TM)

So by now a lot of you have given Dinki Co products a try and the reviews are in. Australia, you love us as much as we love you and so we thought we would share a few more helpful tips on how you can use Koala Farts to protect yourself and the ones you love and generally make life easier too.

handy travel size aerosol

As you know by now, Koala Farts comes in a handy-sized 70g aerosol can which makes it the perfect product to take out with you to disinfect on the go. Disinfect your car or rideshare vehicle by spraying the surface (roughly 15-20 centimeters away) and ride with peace of mind. This can be suitable for hard or soft surfaces. Also, why not deodorize your vehicle whilst also disinfecting the air conditioning system? Turn your vehicle's air conditioner into the "cycle" mode and then spray Koala Farts towards the intake vents (usually found under the dashboard). The eucalyptus will be drawn through the system and kill any bacteria present while making your car smell fresh and inviting.

remove permanent marker from steel

This one is for the tradies out there. A lot of our customers have given us feedback that Koala Farts is actually ideal for removing permanent marker from steel. Boilermakers agree that when they need to clean up their work, Koala Farts is the preferred way of getting it done. Simply spray the area you wish to clean and wipe it off with a rag. The uses just keep on coming with this powerhouse all Australian product.

removing stickers and sticky residue

Did you know that Koala Farts eucalyptus disinfectant spray is also ideal for removing stickers from glass (like on car windows) or from other hard surfaces? Our active ingredient, eucalyptus, actually makes short work of this often laborious task. Next time you have some stickers to remove why not try this for yourself and save yourself a lot of time and stress. Simply spray the edges of the sticker with Koala Farts and watch your blade take the sticker off in a few clean moves. (note: We recommend that only adults attempt this)

every time you purchase our products you are helping us to support southern koala and echidna rescue

Every time you make a purchase from Dinki Co, you are assisting with donations to Southern Koala & Echidna Rescue and our other charity partners. Dinki Co thrives on making 100% Australian-made and owned products that give back to our important Aussie wildlife conservation charities. It is our duty as an Australian company to make it easy for you to support your country's economy and our precious native wildlife. At Dinki Co, we stand for change. We stand for companies making better choices and accepting responsibility for the decisions they make and so we are happy to lead the charge for change in how things are done. Without you it would be impossible, so from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your support and for making choices that support our beautiful and unique country. Stay tuned for more ways to use Koala Farts and Tipsy Koala, coming soon.

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